What's the best choice for starting a development career: ASP.NET, Laravel or Spring Boot

I’m getting into development and I really want to know which of these frameworks gives more job chances for beginners and is easier to learn: C# ASP.NET, PHP Laravel, or Java Spring Boot.

From your experience, which one is more popular in your area, and what types of companies use them? I’m looking at these three because they don’t seem super trendy among new developers, yet there are lots of ongoing projects.

It really depends on what jobs are in demand in your area. Learning the basics instead of getting caught up in the fancy stuff is a good way to go if you’re unsure.

If you have to choose from these, I’d go with .NET.

If you want to check local job openings, that might help you decide first. If not, definitely pick .NET core. But really, if you learn one of these, the others won’t be too hard to learn later.

I’d recommend Spring Boot. Most big US companies work with Java. I’m talking about Fortune 500 types.

You will always be needed.

C# is the most enjoyable to work with from these three.

For job opportunities, that’s really up to where you live, so take a look at local job sites.

I live in the Netherlands, and I see .NET and Laravel more often than the others. It really depends on the industry you’re in. Many big companies use .NET and Azure.

From what I’ve seen, Laravel is mostly used by web agencies. That’s okay, but it depends on what your focus is.

.NET is strong and job searching with it is pretty good. Honestly, if you’re flexible, knowing one framework helps you learn the others. The syntax is simple, but mastering the concepts takes time.

If only FastAPI was in the mix

Remy said:
If only FastAPI was in the mix

I have tried FastAPI, but it’s not super common for junior positions. It’s usually in data or machine learning roles where they expect a lot of experience. I’ve seen more offering with Django if it’s related to Python.

I’ve worked with both Laravel and Spring MVC but forgot all that after learning FastAPI. Just wanted to share that.