Looks awesome. I might be in the minority but I think it could be even better if it locked into place while scrolling, instead of just free scrolling. Do you get what I’m saying
Freddie said:
Looks awesome. I might be in the minority but I think it could be even better if it locked into place while scrolling, instead of just free scrolling. Do you get what I’m saying
There is a lot of talk about whether scroll-jacking, which is what you mentioned, is a good idea or not.
I decided to leave it out because I think people who don’t like scroll-jacking really hate it. On the flip side, those who don’t mind it wouldn’t care whether it was there or not.
There’s a big difference between scroll overrides and scroll snapping, which can be done with just a bit of simple CSS
Nice site, I have a few things to point out:
- I see you are using GitHub pages - a custom domain would help build trust
- The text in the second section has a typo “maximize performance”
- The “Download from the App Store” button overlaps with another button (“Built with Spline”)
Other than that, it looks cool and the content is easy to read. Congrats and good luck with the app!
Straightforward feedback, it’s not bad. Here are some points:
1/ Performance
The loading time is really long for the first visit - https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-sterkapp-github-io/3ns5am9duh?form_factor=mobile
2/ Look and feel
Overall, I don’t find it bad by itself, but it feels kind of generic. The content on scroll isn’t great either, sometimes you need to swipe up twice to read more.
While white space is good, too much can make it feel empty.
3/ Call to Action and text
The text could use some work. You might want to check similar apps for how they do their Call to Actions. You started strong with your headline but could have utilized that better later on.
It wouldn’t hurt to add a download button on each slide to encourage users to download again.
If your main goal is to get visitors to use the app, repeating the call to action isn’t bad.
Does anyone actually search for mobile apps on the web? I’m just curious, I can’t think of a time when I found a mobile app through a web browser. Makes me wonder if that’s really useful
Bayley said:
Does anyone actually search for mobile apps on the web? I’m just curious, I can’t think of a time when I found a mobile app through a web browser. Makes me wonder if that’s really useful
Apple requires developers to have a website for their privacy policy and terms of service.
So I thought creating a cool homepage would be a good idea.
The website isn’t really meant to drive traffic.
Oh okay, I didn’t know that. Thanks for explaining!
I like your design - it’s simple, elegant, and clean. For any site that needs to get traffic, this would be great.
Bayley said:
Oh okay, I didn’t know that. Thanks for explaining!
I like your design - it’s simple, elegant, and clean. For any site that needs to get traffic, this would be great.
No problem, I didn’t know that before making my first app
Thanks a ton!
Bayley said:
Does anyone actually search for mobile apps on the web? I’m just curious, I can’t think of a time when I found a mobile app through a web browser. Makes me wonder if that’s really useful
If someone told me about an app called XYZ, I would definitely google it instead of looking in the app store. This way makes sense for me because I have an Android device; I would find the site through a search engine, but nothing would show up in Google Play.
Looks good overall but it seems like the dark reader Chrome extension messes it up