What do you think about my minimalistic and monochromatic portfolio site?

Generally speaking I like a lot of this!

My only critiques would be in some places it looks very cramped. In particular, labels over images in carousels need adjusted margins/paddings, and where you have lots of text in boxes (for example, your Bible app) just play around with creating some more space.

Otherwise though, I think this is very solid.

Not technical, but swap the photo on the first page with the middle one in your second. It’s more inviting.

The whole website is just a massive energy drain. Endless walls of text in an insufferable preacher tone. Endless references to your religion. What’s up with that? Who cares? Who did you write this portfolio for?

To some people that means a lot. I had a Christian client from Texas once. Being from the Midwest I thought that having his church involvement highlighted on his website would be bad for business. However, in his community in Texas, this was viewed differently. It was a positive marketing signal down there.

Different strokes for different folks.

I’m in favor of leaving religion out of a portfolio page but I didn’t find “endless references to religion” on his page?

Caden said:
I’m in favor of leaving religion out of a portfolio page but I didn’t find “endless references to religion” on his page?

His title, at the top of the page, is “Believer”. Next section, he mentions writing about spiritual topics. Next section, Bible app. Next project, “I had the privilege of developing the app along with some amazing Christians”. End of the page, a bible verse. What the actual fuck…

Caden said:
I’m in favor of leaving religion out of a portfolio page but I didn’t find “endless references to religion” on his page?

I’d say the Christian projects being explicitly marked as Christian. Also the Bible verse at the end. I’m from a very secular country and this looks very weird to me, but I can imagine it to be totally normal in other cultural contexts.

Caden said:
I’m in favor of leaving religion out of a portfolio page but I didn’t find “endless references to religion” on his page?

There is a Bible passage at the bottom of the page which I think is a bit too much. There is also a section called “Christian projects”; I would move them under social projects or rename the section to “community projects” or something. They also mention spirituality as an interest at the top of the page, which I think is completely fine, and otherwise the portfolio looks good.

Edit: Oh, and the headline is “Believer | Creative Developer”. I don’t know how the job market is over there, but unless they are aiming specifically for a job in a Christian community, I would remove that. It’s fine to have faith, but if that’s the main way you identify professionally, I would be a bit cautious as a potential employer.

I think it’s not very minimalistic if you have a lot of text.

I suppose it depends on the audience. Based on my cultural background, leaving the photos in grayscale makes it feel like a memorial site of a deceased :D.

I like it - looks quite unique, maybe a little bit too long; you might want to focus on some of the things you believe to be more relevant.

Also, good to see my Ethiopian brother here. :slight_smile:

Looks very good! I would only remove non-necessary info; when there is too much happening, people tend to ignore it all.

Some stuff I would remove:

  • Education that is less relevant (High School, Middle School).
  • Projects: I would select just 3 or 4 highlighted projects and either remove the others or create a dedicated page for them (“See all projects”).

Very good, but is there a bit too much to write?

I love the style. Adding some fonts to the style and paddings to the elements would make it look more complete.

With a few changes you could make this into a nice black and white Neobrutalism site.

One of the coolest portfolios I’ve ever seen! What tech stack are you using?

In my opinion, too simplistic without being modern, also needs more Jesus :smile:.

Nice, add a little fading mask at the bottom of your profile pic.

Looks like a memorial.