There is nothing like deploying a hello world website. It is simple and lets you focus on the basics of web development. You can even deploy it for cheap. Many domain names are just a dollar, and you can host your files in Google Drive. When students see they have deployed something in the real world, it motivates them to learn more
I only have an hour to cover body and head tags since they are just 8th graders. If I had more time, I would definitely cover more CSS, but the school system requires us to use notepad. Thanks for the resources
I wouldn’t even mention head and body. Focus only on the fun stuff and skip the boring technical details
Following this thread and have many simple but nice websites
Remind me in 24 hours
Ocean said:
Remind me in 24 hours
I’ll message you in one day to remind you about this link
Marlow said: looks simple for class. Here’s Dennis Ritchie’s site Dennis Ritchie Home Page
R.I.P. Dennis. Thank you for sharing the site
Look at this: Eleventy is a simpler static site generator
Many of those use just HTML and CSS, and sometimes a bit of JS as an improvement
Amal said:
Look at this: Eleventy is a simpler static site generator
Many of those use just HTML and CSS, and sometimes a bit of JS as an improvement
Thank you for this suggestion
Have you checked out The site is built with HTML, CSS, and JS using the tool itself. It might be a good fit for this
Quinlan said:
Have you checked out The site is built with HTML, CSS, and JS using the tool itself. It might be a good fit for this
Thanks for the suggestion
First things first: define cool and simple for an HTML and CSS website
Cool means different things to different people
Many simple ones exist. If you’re interested in modularity, reusability, and components, then CSS Zen Garden is a great place to look. It has many ‘cool, simple, complicated, great… websites made just with HTML/CSS plus basic JS’.
If you take away a modern front-end framework from a website, you are left with only HTML, CSS, and some JS. HTML gives you the structure and meaning, while CSS adds extra features