What are your guys’ favorite ways to display formulas in HTML without any additional website performance issues?
And preferably as text since it seems to be shown a lot more in search engines compared to SVG.
What are your guys’ favorite ways to display formulas in HTML without any additional website performance issues?
And preferably as text since it seems to be shown a lot more in search engines compared to SVG.
x = − b ± b 2 − 4 a c 2 aKim said:
Use the math element.
Amazing, the solution to a second-degree polynomial.
Kim said:
Use the math element.
I’m trying it out now actually.
Would you happen to know about any function to turn a JavaScript math expression into MathML?
I’m not quite getting it yet.
I’m not sure about power though; there seems to be a bug that you can’t use negative powers or more than 9.
I haven’t read the entire docs though.
I’m not sure about power though; there seems to be a bug that you can’t use negative powers or more than 9.
I haven’t read the entire docs though.
I’ve never encountered that before—have you tried wrapping your exponent, like this: {so}
I’m not sure about power though; there seems to be a bug that you can’t use negative powers or more than 9.
I haven’t read the entire docs though.
I thought you meant to just use the math element?
Like this:
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mi>r</mi><mi>e</mi><mi>d</mi><mi>d</mi><mi>i</mi><mi>t</mi><mo> </mo><mo>+</mo><mo> </mo><msqrt><mrow><mi>u</mi><mi>p</mi><mi>v</mi><mi>o</mi><mi>t</mi><mi>e</mi><mo> </mo><mo>-</mo><mo> </mo><mi>d</mi><mi>o</mi><mi>w</mi><mi>n</mi><mi>v</mi><mi>o</mi><mi>t</mi><mi>e</mi></mrow></msqrt></math>
I tried MathJax in the past and experienced a significant reduction in website performance using it; that’s why I stopped and am looking at alternative ways.
Kingsley said:
Check out https://katex.org.
It says on the website it’s fast, but is it true? I’ve tried 2 libraries, and they both sadly reduced my website’s performance. Trying to get MathML to work and see if it’s fast.